Thursday, April 5, 2007


I was passing by Big Boss’s room this morning and suddenly heard “Ahh..*Trueblue*, you came at the right moment. I want to talk to you”.

And there I was thinking “Oh no..What could he possibly want to talk to me about?”. I went in and he asked me to close the door. Oh-oh. Not good news, I felt.

I did mention in my previous entry (in the other blog) about certain movements happening around the office and that I was offered a new position. I found out the latest info last week (they want to delay it) and asked for some clarification. After some ding dong here and there, there was an attempt to rectify the matter but apparently it was too late.

I guess Big Boss was confused with my concern and wanted to explain the matter from the management point of view. Somehow, whatever he said just didn't make sense.

Frankly speaking, I really don’t care anymore and whatever the management wants me to do, I’ll just do it. There could be risks in the long run, but I guess I’ve come to a point where it doesn’t matter anymore.

He spent the whole 15 minutes complementing me on my work, telling me I had so much potential and that I’ve got a whole lot to offer (pep talk to make me feel good la ni). He gave me advice that I should try not to associate myself with people/environment that gives out negative vibes. I need to just focus on positive things as it would help me achieve more and become a successful person. Blah..Blah..Blah..

Ok, his advice makes sense. BUT, with all the drama that’s been going on for the past 2 years in this office, I just can’t seem to be easily influenced with what he says. I’m even questioning the compliments he gave. Can believe or not?? Told my manager and we actually laughed about it.

Oh well, life goes on. I am after all just a ‘gundu’ in this office.


Not quite a happy story to share to start off the new blog, huh?


Azer Mantessa said...

Hope this can cheer you up:

Happy by azer mantessa

How was it that we first met?
I forget,
all I know is
you looked happy.

We walked around
and talked a while;
In your smile I found that
I was happy.

I want to tell you;
it seems a thing to do;
I want to show
I truly care.

Now at every time we meet
we walk the streets,
I'm with you and
I feel happy.

But how long will all this last?
Time goes fast,
It doesn't matter,
with you, I'm happy.

trueblue said...

Ahhh Azer...
So Sweeeeeettt...Thanks. You made my day :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on developing your own blog.

If you are referring to the big boss of the small zoo, he usually have two opinions on a single issue, more like the two faces of a coin. Probably acquired that from the big boss of the big zoo. They seems to blend well now.

shell said...

Management bollocks! That I have a few too. I always smile and hangguk jer.

Anonymous said...

just keep on writting, we're here to read and the story is fine

UglyButAdorable said... lamer tak dgr that word...

nice home btw...

Nour said...

office politics...I dah malas dah..nowadays whatever my boss says I pun angguk je la...dalam hati....duhhh..

trueblue said...

I was more referring to the Big Boss in the big zoo. But the other boss from the small zoo tu pun tak boleh pakai jugak...

Hi Shell,
Thanks for dropping by.
Yelah, what else to do..Just smile and angguk je..

Thanks :)

gravtkills said...

cuba nak win u over la tu

trueblue said...

Oh memang......