Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trueblue + training + owwwwwwwwwww....

Just got back from a 3-day course at one of the hotels here in KL. Good food? Yes. Good training? Yes...but whether or not we apply the knowledge back at work is another story. Still too early to tell if there's going to be any changes in the office.

Anyway, one interesting (or is it funny?) story to tell you is that I fell on the third day of the training. No joke, I actually fell during lunch break. We were walking towards the surau (prayer room) and as I was admiring the paintings on the wall, I suddenly slipped and *gedebush*, fell to the floor. Not really sure how it happened. I think the floor was quite slippery (probably too much waxing or something) and I lost the grip of my heels. The next thing I knew, my friends were asking me "Gosh, Trueblue, are you ok?". I was so embarrassed but of course I had to play it cool. They must have thought I was some kind of idiot. Thank God I didn't fall on my face because I quickly used my left hand to prevent myself from falling further. The consequence to that is now my left wrist hurts like crazy. I probably should get it checked but somehow I'm hoping the pain would go away on its own...soooonnn...pleaseeeeeee.....

Tomorrow I am gonna be away from office again..for another course and this time it will be for 2 weeks!!! I am having mixed feelings about it actually. Its great to be away from office but am not that excited to be leaving the family (its a residential programme). There will also be classes in the weekends! Not sure if I'll be able to blog much too. Will see how it goes.

It feels uncomfortable to type now because of this pain on my wrist. I guess I better sign off and get some rest. Hope you guys have a great weekend ahead. Think of me from time to time as I'll be 'locked up' somewhere for the next 2 weeks :(


Cosmic_GurL said...

Noooooooooooooo!!! 2 weeks?? How to finish Scrabulous then? Hehehehe...Sian you jatuh darling! Should have the wrist and back checked la takut internal injuries.

U know how I know you're not in the office? Coz i havent been "poked" by you for 3 days! And i miss it! Hahahaha!

Syaliza Abdul Rahman said...

trueblue, gi check doctor ok. better to know than not so that you can heal better.

hope the two-week will be informative & productive.

take care :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Trueblue,

Oh! So sorry to hear that. i know how it feels...I fell once infront of hundreds of people. I acted cool and it went well. Perhaps they were forgiving as I did a lot of work for them voluntarily and there's the love..he he.

Meantime don't carry any heavy stuff. take care now.

trueblue said...

My room ada internet connection so bolehlah go into Facebook from time to time..if I'm not that busy la. However, I tak boleh check blog since dah kena block by my company. Damn.

Anyway, at least I can still poke you..Hahaha

Thanks dear..So far the pain is not as bad as last night. Lets hope it gets better..

K Ruby,
I can still picture my fall. funny..I am such a clumsy person..

trueblue said...

By the way, in case you guys are wondering how come I boleh check blog now..its because I'm at home. Balik kejaplah tonight since malam takde class and will only start again tomorrow morning...

Nour said...

oh no..I hope the pain has gone away and you are feeling better.I just got back from a team building session kat A Famosa...It was sooo hectic and streneous that now my body aches like hell.

Anyways, good luck and have fun!

Pak Zawi said...

I wont laugh at somebody who had the misfortune of falling down due to slippery floor or whatever reason be it the use of those unstable stilletoes. Such misfortune could lead to grievous and even fatal injury as what happenned to the late brother of Sheikh Mudzafar.
Next time wear suitable footwear and forget fashionable footwear with small footprint as they can be dangerous.
Take care.

J.T. said...

poor thing... I hope you are feeling better after some rest. Don't let that pain go on, y'hear. :)

Going off for a course sounds nice (especially for me who is in search of a job). However, I can understand how you feel being away from your family. Don't fret, two weeks will go by fast. You will be back with your loved ones soon enough.

Take care, dear.

akula said...

Sorry about the fall. Kalau kat Europe or US, the hotel dah kena sue dah. Tapi yelah, kita kat M'sia kan.

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

imagine, i terjatuh tengah melintas jalan (tgh berhoo haa dengan kwn2 otw to .....). rasa nak pengsan2 kat situ juga..
can u imagine the place on friday nite...

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

Jatuh takpe, janji boleh bangun. Wrist hurts takpe, janji boleh pulih. Course 2 weeks pun takpe, kena janji balik nanti. Take care.

Dade Ghost said...

TB have a great time in your two weeks training. I am sure your family will cope.

It is not funny about falling. It hurts. I hope your wrist is much better.

gravtkills said...

2 weeks for a course? i would end up being brain dead

winniethepooh said...

i once had a fall along a crowded shopping walkway, i was so embrassed but well, act cool like u said :P i just stood up, pat pat my butt and just walk as if nothing happen hahhaa..

better get ur wrist checked by the doc, might hv some fine line fractures thats causing the pain, dun wait till its all swelled up before u get treatment ok trueblue...take good care huh!

Angel Eyes said...

tergolek dog memang malu giler kan babe? hehe.. i pun pernah kena mcm tu... malu, rasa mcm nak lariii jer.

Better to see the doc, takut apa apa kan?

Take care