Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hate them creepy crawlies

God only knows how much I HATE cockroaches. Ok, maybe it’s more of scared or ‘geli’ but if we put these two together, it would definitely lead to despise, detest, dislike and all those negative words. Simply put, I absolutely loathe the insect. The mere sight of it just gives me the creeps.

And what is even worse? Flying cockroaches!

I had a traumatic experience about them back in my teens. I was in my room with my sis when all of a sudden this bloody cockroach went flying around our room. We went hysterical, screaming our heads off. The cockroach seemed to sense that we were scared and being a horrible insect that it is, tried to follow us around. It followed us when we ran to one corner and followed us again when we ran to another corner. You can imagine the commotion we caused that night! It sounded like we were chased by a murderer. I don’t know why we didn’t think of running out of the room.

Anyway, all went quiet when the cockroach suddenly disappeared. We crawled back to our beds with a feeling of absolute relief. We thought it was over but noooooooooooooooooo……..out of nowhere the cockroach flew and landed somewhere near my mouth. This time I screamed even louder! I was yelling to my sister “Get it off! Get if off!” but she did nothing of the sort. She just stood on her bed with her mouth open and looked shocked beyond words. I had no choice but to do it myself. I smacked the cockroach off my face and it landed on the floor. I immediately took a book and gave it a big whack! The evil cockroach died that night. Yep, I killed it. And I’m happy that I did. To this day I can still feel its hairy legs on my face. Urghhhh…!!

I’ve lived in my apartment for over a year now and it’s great that for the past one year, the apartment has been insect-free. Or maybe they were already around but managed to hide from me…... Anyway, lately ants and cockroaches have started to crawl out of their hiding place and made their presence visible in the apartment. Cleanliness of the apartment is definitely my utmost priority so seeing them crawling at various corners of the apartment just drives me crazy! The cockroaches are small in size and still in their baby phase but I’m not gonna wait till they get big. Must get rid of them fast! Need to call those Pest Control people. If only I had a wand and some magical powers, I’d aim at the cockroaches and go “Stupefy! Stupefy!”

P/S: One more chapter to go!!


J.T. said...

ewwww... I had a traumatic experience myself. It landed on my forehead and I can still feel its legs... geli

Absolutely despise cockroaches. I can't crush them, I feel sick hearing the crunching sound. So, I am always ready with a can of aerosol spray. While I spray at it, especially if it is flying towards me, I will say "die, you, die." It is a victorious feeling when I see the cockroach struggling to live. :)
Once it is dead, I can lift it by its antennae and throw it in the bin.

gravtkills said...

rupanya u nie penakut lipas like my sis

trueblue said...

I don't think I even want to touch it. I'll just get a broom or something

Takut gilerrrrrr..Tengok pun dah geli

Cosmic_GurL said...

I LOATHE THEM TOO!! Not just geli but yeah hate hate hate them!

My husb knows me well, everytime dia nampak cockroach he'll quietly get up and smack those suckers for me without alerting me coz he knows if I see them I will scream samapi satu rumah bangun. Hehehe

akula said...

And to think that in some places its a mouth watering delicacies. Yum yum!

Red Raven said...

hahahaha...i know that feeling. The missus hates them and scream lke a crazy woman....i never seen her run that fast before...hehehehehe

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

im the lipas destroyer kat rumah since my roomie, sebijik cam u...!! tengok lipas satu block bole dengar jeritannya....

but i loathe rat...!! terus pengsan bila jmpa..!

katakbesar said...

cerita lipas la plak..

teringat movie Joe's Apartment

trueblue said...

aiseh..boleh pinjam your hubby tak sekali-sekala to buang the lipas for me? Heheh

Yaa..Kat Fear Factor tengok nak termuntah. Bagi beribu ringgit pun I tak nak..Gross!

trueblue said...

red raven,
Geli tau..Daya ketahanan tu lemah sikit. Hehe. Kalau kena kejar dengan lipas rasa macam kena kejar dengan anjing!


trueblue said...

I'm scared of rats too!! Good thing I don't see them that much.

Oh Ya.. I remember that movie. What a slob!

winniethepooh said...

I screamed like mad, I run like mad, I run behind hubby, literally will pull his shirt till it nearly tear! hahaha Im exactly like u when it comes to those tots of cockroaches trueblue eeeeewww!

j.t. I cant stop laughing when you said, "... While I spray at it, especially if it is flying towards me, I will say "die, you, die."

Red Raven said...

i know...i hate cicak....geli sangat!!! I had an experience once cicak jatuh and termasuk in my baju...alahai...sejuk betui cicak ni tau.

trueblue said...

Glad to know there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way :)

red raven,
The cicak fell inside your baju? Oh My God! I would have fainted!! :)