Wednesday, August 22, 2007

short break..I hope!

I am swamped!

I'm actually up to my nose with the amount of work I have at the moment. And the crappy part is all projects came about the same time and all is considered urgent. I keep feeling nervous all the time because as I'm doing one work, I start to think "Oh Shit! I haven't done much on the other two projects today". Everyday I get a constant feeling of panic which isn't really healthy to my mind, body and soul. The last thing I want to have is a nervous breakdown. *sigh*

Gosh! I'm already feeling guilty for spending a few minutes writing this post. Arghhhh!! Ok, ok.. I better stop now.

Anyways you all...I just wanted to say that normal postings will resume once I actually have time to do it or most importantly once I can breathe properly.

I hope to be back very soon.

Take care you guys!!!


Cosmic_GurL said...

Siannyer! No worries dear..we'll still be here :)

katakbesar said...

busy as bee :)
take care and gut laq !

Nour said...

Hang in there!

Red Raven said...

sabar ye....habih kerja boleh post banyak2....

UglyButAdorable said...

anggaplah..blogging as a theraphy..hehhheheee..that's wht I do..

winniethepooh said...

take ur time, pace urself..we will always be here waiting patiently.

Angel Eyes said...

Hang tough!

We'll be waiting for ya...


Anonymous said...

Just a spike in the office life. Don't worry so much. Unless the boss got clarity from the no.2 he'll keep spinning on the same spot

trueblue said...

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the well wishes. :)

J.T. said...

Breathe, Trueblue, breathe. Come back when you are good and ready.

All the best with your projects. :)

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

ada masanye, bila i sibuk, blog tetap blog.
apabila mood cam haram dtg menjelang, nak baca blog orang pun i tak koser.
takpe...alah setakat 2-3 baris tu apalah sangat.
therapeutic more like it..

Unknown said...

Hi Trueblue,

Just when I arrived in the cruise liner are on a break..ha ha. I lost most links on my blog when I changed the layout but rather malas nak re-do for now.

Nevermind, have a good break dear.

Happy Merdeka.

Anonymous said...

Remember Raja Petra said: More than 90% of malays were actually non-Muslims, because they don't follow the teaching of Islam.

Can a true Muslim prohibit another Muslim to build a mosque? Any part of koran said to build a mosque for the Chinese Muslims is haram? Another Malaysia Boleh one story yah?

I firmly believe, when I die and go to hell, I will meet many "Malaysian Muslims" there, all the munafik who used Islam not for them to be closer to God, but for their idiotic, selfish and vicious self-interest.

More classic examples of half-past-six mentalities displayed by the present so-called leaders, ministers, and worst of all politicians (monkey-brain), bad for the nation but good for those who knows how to take advantage of their stupidity.

Religion alone can never help us to become more clever and smart, especially with the present attitude and style of the malays, who are going backwards more and more, and heading for the caves and jungles in time to come.

In Malaysia the constitution is not the supreme document in law. It has been so trampled by the Umno gangsters; it has come to a point where these gangsters are a law unto themselves. To them the constitution is respected when it suits their intents and toilet paper when it does not.

Mob rule is tolerated by the police when it is an Umno orchestrated mob. Non-Umno gatherings are an inconvenience and clobbered to pulp.

Malaysia is dead as a nation. They are dying to call this land Tanah Melayu so we might as well let them destroyed it. It is no loss to the non-malays since they are treated as pendatang anyway.

Let these gangsters plunder and rob their own kind. They are notorious for inbreeding in any case. They would probably enjoy devouring their own kind too. Crooks and hypocrites at the helm will never grow a nation. Only chaos and disaster beckon.

I wish it were different, but I have long since decided they deserve what they get. No point in banging my head against the wall.

Anonymous said...

Racism in Malaysia is apparent to anyone who has eyes! Malays are just a bunch of cripples who will collapse to the ground if their tongkat is taken away.

Remove their constitutional rights, their 7% discount on houses, their 30% equity in companies, their quota system in public universities etc……….what is left?

Only a bunch of malays begging in gutters or worse, they may have to eat pork to survive!

Anonymous said...

Interesting article.

The world is rapidly changing, with WTO and globalisation. What is really scary is that many of our Malaysian politicians are still living in the 60s and 70s and have not kept up to the times. They continue to use scare tactics and intimidation.

And let us face the facts; the average malay is just not ready for globalisation. Due to misconstrued policies and handouts, the biggest losers in the globalisation race in Malaysia are unfortunately going to be the malays.

Their solution: Continue fiddling with the wealth redistribution and NEP instead of creation. And the use of scare tactics to prevent any discussion about this.

While the country is gradually slipping down the competitive ladder, the leaders particularly from Umno are playing fiddle.

Smart Malaysians are quietly looking for opportunities to invest overseas or even contemplating emigration.

Nobody wants to be the last passenger to get out in a sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

The malays are a truly hypocrite bunch of people. All this bullshit about the 'freedom of religion' as only appears to apply to anyone but not the malays!

The malays have made Islam such a hated religion with many man-made laws and impositions, all to suit their own convenience, and yet they claim to be 'Islamic' without even practicing the religion as it was intended to be practiced.

If Malaysia only wants Islam, then get rid of all the other races and live truly as 'Malay'sia, and see the country being destroyed by brainless malays monkeys in a matter of one year!

Why can't all races live in harmony? Why must anything that is related to Islam be such a huge contentious issue?

What the hell is the Syariah Court? These so-called Syariah 'lawyers' are a joke to the legal profession. The travesty of justice in Malaysia regarding converts to Islam especially is demeaning and a pathetic joke.

The Federal Court which is the supreme legal authority in Malaysia is 'impotent' against this useless Syariah Court when it comes to matters dealing with conversion! What absolute rubbish!

The malays are nothing but over-zealous hypocrites who don't even understand Islam in the proper context, let alone profess to practice it!

If malays want to progress in the world, you will have to rid the notion of God and your religion. It is your backward religion that is holding you back from every strata.

Look at Muslim countries. They are absolutely backwards in every aspect, living in the most poverty-ridden corners. But when it comes to religion, and building mosques which is half empty always, they build the best ones. Ignoring the poor people who live in shacks.

In Malaysia there is a mosque about every 100km and now they are built along the main streets of all towns. Is it to prove that you are so very religious? You think that every one has only sex in their mind all the time! This is a fault that undermines humans.

Now you have to rid your backward religion and go forward. And you must learn to accept that there is no God but dog.

Malaysia will never achieve developed status, certainly not with the malays. At least Mahathir built two tall structures that got the attention of the world, as he knew that the intellectual 'capabilities' of the malays were as good as a cow in the paddy field, regardless of any kind of miracle!

Despite all that the Malaysia government has been doing for the malays for ages, the malays are still way behind in terms of everything. They are lazy and have become so accustomed to handouts that they refuse to work to earn an honest living.

It is very sad. Why can't all races compete fairly? Remove all the barriers and ensure free competition based on capability and merit, rather than by race. Will that ever happen?

Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malays. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

Be like Raja Petra……….a self-made man to be proud of, also a malay that is objective and can distinguish right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

If only the malays are a bit smarter, then BN won't win. The problem is malays are too damn stupid that they keep voting for BN. I don't know what poison BN gave to make them in this state.

Anonymous said...

Show me when do the malays consult or ever extend their hands in friendship. Do the malays really treat non-malays with equity and fairness?

Seriously, I think all races in Malaysia treat each others at arms length. The malays expect other races to kowtow to them and never the way around. For example, Chinese and Indians were made to learn and study malay culture but the malays are not made to learn and study Chinese and Indian culture.

Why do the malays have to be in a superior position (oppressive one at that) all the time? What is wrong for Malaysia to have, say a Chinese chief justice or an Indian chief of armed forces or even a prime minister!

How do we expect them to continue with their goodwill if we do not ever treat them with equity and fairness? I think the malays are paranoid and are projecting their own insecurity onto others.

That is my point and it is time that we begin to envision the land of ours from an inclusively point of view instead of exclusivity point of view. We have to begin this starting point somehow, somewhere and the time is now.

You are wasting your time by presenting the facts. Fact means nothing to them and you should know that by now. The Malaysian Muslims are seriously stupid and severely retarded. I am simply having fun. I work with them everyday and I cannot describe to you their inability to formulate simple logic.

As an adult trying to make it in the real world, I have developed a clear understanding of what goes on around me.

And this what I believe is the real situation in Malaysia. As long as the malays get their way in how things are done in Malaysia - there will never be any serious development in Malaysia.

This is the fundamental. Please avoid giving example of successful malays, because economically, the numbers are too darn low to mean anything. Negligible they call it.

Malays must realise that as humans - they are I suppose equal. But as peoples, they have attitude that is exactly like the aborigines of Africa. Completely hopeless, no matter what you give them.

The malays can never win - for as long as they chose to do things the way it is done now. Eventually, the other races would consume them economically, and they would be second class citizens. This is a matter of time.

My opinion is - the only way for them to succeed, is to take away all special rights and learn to get by on their own abilities. The stupid and weak malays would die - and only the bright ones would survive.

They are doing themselves a favour by taking away their special rights. Because look around you, the other races are getting stronger because our weak ones are dying.

We will continue to get stronger. And there will be a day, when we control all the financial means in the country. Then it is a matter of buying off each one of you puny malays - and then take over the country.

Anonymous said...

I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.

It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!

Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.

The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.

Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!

she-blocks said...

err..what's this all about? hoped you're alrite sista!

trueblue said... those people i dont know here..please dont use my comment box to talk about your feelings on religion, race, politics etc.!!!!