Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sharing session

Yes, people. Hard as it may seem to believe, I actually do have feelings, you know.

Just because I don’t say much doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not affected by what people say.

Just because my tolerance level is quite high doesn’t necessarily mean people can think “It's ok, *Trueblue* wouldn’t mind”.

Just because I appear calm and relaxed doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t have my own set of problems.

Yes, I do get stressed. Maybe I don’t openly show it but then again, that’s the way I am. People deal with their problems in different ways, right?

Oh and yes, I do let people tease me. I’m very patient about it and most of the time I smile or just laugh along. Kena sporting la kan? But does that make me appear weak? Does that mean that people can keep on doing it whenever they want? Sometimes I just can’t be bothered to respond because I know people are just making jokes and trying to have fun. So I just give this sweet smile of mine and let it go. But don’t la be sensitive when I start doing the teasing. Hey, if you guys can do it, surely I can have my fair share of fun too, right?

As mentioned earlier, I’m very good about being patient. But, like any normal human being I do have my limits. After a lot of keeping things to myself and giving in to people, don’t be surprised when I suddenly explode. No, I won’t go and shoot people but I can snap at you. I am capable of saying harsh things too, you know. So don’t be shocked or get taken aback. It’s funny how some people are surprised when I suddenly get sarcastic. They might think: "Wow! *Trueblue* said that?". Hey, I’m not all so sugary, sweet and nice all the time.

I am a firm believer of: If you don’t like it when people do or say certain things to you, you yourself shouldn’t be doing it to other people. It’s all common sense, right?

Think about it.

Anyway, on an unrelated matter, I was going through the blogthings site and thought this is something I was curious to find out :)

What kind of panties are you?

You Are Basic Panties
You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty.You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy.Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it.And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you.


ytxis said...

There must be a reason why they invented word like ignore. Just learn how to master it, its a lot better than the word explode. Explode sounds so virginia tech.

trueblue said...

Memang I master in ignoring. Tapi sekali sekala kena sound jugak. Kalau tak orang pijak kepala kita.

J.T. said...

Very true, Trueblue...
"treat other people as how you would like to be treated."
As for the panties thingie... I am basic, like you.
That was fun! :)

trueblue said...

I wish I could claim that picture of the butt was mine..but its obviously not..hehe